LA-DX-GROUP - the Norwegian DX Association
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DX Calendar by
03.12.2017 09:56:18
 VP6D Ducie Island 2018 DX-pedition (OC-182)
Radio Amateurs memebers of the PDXG DX Group will be active from Ducie Island, IOTA OC - 182, as VP6D, October - November 2018.

They have landing permission, amateur radio license, visas.
Team - Dave K3EL, Pista HA5AO, Les W2LK, Heye DJ9RR, Mike WA6O, Jacky ZL3CW, Arnie N6HC, Steve W1SRD, Chris N6WM, Laci HA0NAR, Ricardo PY2PT, Walt N6XG, Gene K5GS.

They will operate on 160 - 10m CW, SSB, Digital modes, including FT8.
They will be on the island up to 14 Days.
More information will be available soon.

08.10.2017 20:15:08
 ARRL DXCC Status for LADXG Medlemmer pr. 8.Oktober 2017
LA DXCC status for alle LA-DX-GROUP medlemmer er oppdatert pr 8.Oktober 2017. 

13.08.2017 09:31:30
 Update - VK9MA - Mellish Reef

Mottatt fra Morten Kværnmoen - LB8DC:

En liten status oppdatering på VK9MA – Mellish Reef.


Vi har nå fått pakket alt utstyret vi skal ha med oss til Mellish. SM5AQD + XYL har stått for denne jobben, og det har ikke vært småtteri de har utført de siste ukene.

De har vært nede i Tyskland hos DL3DXX Dietmar og hentet masse utstyr som de har transportert med bil og henger til Sverige. Hvor de så har rengjort alt utstyr for smuss og annet som vi ikke vil smitte ned Australia med når vi kommer dit. Det er jo strengt mtp hva en kan ta med seg inn i det landet. Deretter har de pakket ned alt sammen på paller. Dette vil nå bli hentet av Schenker på SM5AQD sitt QTH og transportert til Gøteborg hvor det blir sendt videre i fra. I alt 814 kg med kabler/antenner/filtre m.m.


Hele teamet på 9 mann er nå komplett. Disse er:


Teamleder: N7QT – Rob

Co Teamleader: SM5AQD – Hawk

SM5GLC – Lasse

SM1ALH – Eric

LB8DC – Morten

DX3DXX - Dietmar

N9AGD – Brian

W5XU – David

WJ2O – Dave


Vår schedule blir seende slik ut fremover:

Oct 21st – Rob and possibly Brian arriving in Cairns

Oct 25th – Erik,Lasse,Morten,Hawk arriving in Cairns

Oct 28th – Rest of the team in Cairns

Oct 29th  / 30th – Equipment staging/testing at Paul’s house, last minute shopping

Nov 1st – In the morning, everyone to help load equipment into truck from Paul’s house (VK4APN). After truck is loaded, we all take the charter bus from Paul’s house to Port Douglas (1.5 hour ride). When we arrive to Port Douglas, we all will load the  equipment onto the MV Phoenix, we depart to Mellish reef in the evening, 

Nov 1st – Leave for Mellish Reef

Nov 3rd – Arrive at Mellish Reef in the evening. Get gear onto the reef.

Nov 4th – QRV VK9MA

Nov 15th – Start to take down camp in the afternoon

Nov 16th – Leave Mellish 

Nov 19th – Arrive in Port Douglas

Nov 22nd – All return for home


73 de Morten LB8DC

09.07.2017 12:32:55
 Trinidade and Martim Vaz - PY0T

Fra, 8.7.2017:

Martin PY2/LU9EFO and Evan PU5SVE have obtained the callsign ZZ0T for a future DXpedition to Trindade & Martim Vaz.

Authorization is in process with the Brazilian Navy. Dates not yet confirmed. However, the Navy ship leaves every 2 months for Trindade (change of military & scientists), so keep it DX-World for announced dates.

09.07.2017 10:25:46
 Baker Howland Island - KH1
Fra, 7.7.2017 :

The Dateline DX Association (most recently the K4M team) is very pleased to announce that it has been selected by the Pacific Islands Refuges & Monuments Office of the US Fish and Wildlife Service to pursue an Amateur Radio expedition to Baker Island National Wildlife Refuge (KH1).

We will announce dates of activation and other pertinent information once a vessel has been selected and approval of said vessel and dates is approved by the Service. We wish to thank the US Fish and Wildlife Service for their trust in our group to safely and responsibly activate this rare location. 

Don Greenbaum, N1DG, Tom Harrell, N4XP, and Kevin Rowett, K6TD co leaders
19.06.2017 22:45:56
 Betaling av LADXG Medlemskontingent 2017
I henhold til LA-DX-GROUP’s vedtekter 6.2. så forfaller medlemskontingent 15.februar. 
Det er fortsatt et antall registrerte medlemmer som, til tross av gjentatte purringer, ikke har betalt kontingenten for 2017.

Dersom vi ikke mottar betaling innen 31.Juli 2017 så vil vi slette medlemskapet pr 1.8.2017 og tilgang til med Top20 og oppføring på LA DXCC oversikt vil opphøre fra denne datoen.

Hilsen Styret.
18.06.2017 08:00:57
 little help to continue with the activity LU9EFO

Message delivered by webinterface from Martin Butera,  PY8/LU9EFO


Hello Friend. How are you doing? I am going to activate an island in the Amazon in July and I would like to count on your help. If you can, for example 5 people together, helping with 20 dollar, will be 100 dollar that will help me a lot.

The trip will be over 20 days and I'll have to take 2 plans, 2 boats, rent a hostel, food plus unforeseen. For you have an idea of Brasili (Brazil's capital), place where you start the journey to the city of Belém are more than 2000 kilometers. The economy in the South American continent is in crisis and everything is very expensive. The project needs a lot of money and I'm paying most of it.

For me to continue with the dream of activating and keeping the radio alive, I count on the collaboration of my friends !!

Please send by Paypal of my Manager Stephane

You do not have paypal !!

Join the amazonas project
Now you can add via the QSL Manager

Mr. Stéphane F4BHW

Po.Box 3 
Foecy 18500 - France.

I usually travel alone, I'm not asking for big support, just a little help to continue with the activity, I'll put your logo on QSL and on Flyer when the event is published. Thank you.

Martin Butera
13.06.2017 19:03:22
 VK9MA - Mellish Reef

VK9MA - Mellish Reef DX-pedisjonen's webside er nå tilgjengelig på
29.05.2017 23:07:51
 VK9MA - Mellish Reef

Et team bestående av  9 operatører under ledelse av Rob, N7QT vil være aktiv fra Mellish Reef som VK9MA, QRV fra 3. til 16. November  2017. 

Mellish Reef, IOTA (OC-072) er  #29 på Clublog's most wanted liste. Teamet vil være QRV fra Heralds-Beacon Islet, på alle bånd i CW, RTTY, and SSB. 

Team: N7QT Team Leader , SM5AQD Co-Team Leader , DL3DXX , LB8DC , N9ADG , SM1ALH , SM5GLC.

DX-Pedisjonen's hjemmeside vil snart være klar på 
Mere informasjon også på

Spennende for oss her hjemme at en av "våre" også er med på denne profilerte DX-Pedisjonen.

Ekspedisjonen er også registrert i vår database.

Heralds-Beacon Islet, Bildet fra K3EL
28.05.2017 09:28:22
 3Y0Z - Bouvet - Sponsorship by LADXG
On behalf of the Bouvet Island DXpedition-2018, thank you for your wonderful contribution of $3,000 USD on behalf of LA-DX-GROUP.
Please accept this small gift (download the attachment) to recognize your important and very generous contribution toward the Bouvet DXpedition-2018 expenses.  As you probably know, this is likely the most expensive DXpedition ever attempted.

It is dedicated and generous DXers like you and your club members that make DXpeditions such as this possible, and we are pleased that LA-DX-GROUP is now one of our important supporters.

One of the goals of the Bouvet Island DXpedition-2018 is to provide at least one QSO to every DXer who needs this #2 ranked DXCC entity for an all-time new one (ATNO).   Also, we want to provide as many band/mode contacts needed by DXers as we possibly can.   We believe we have the plan, the team and the equipment to make this happen!

Your contribution will help make all this a reality for not only our team of DXpeditioners, but for DXers, worldwide...THANK YOU!

See you in the pileups!

For the team,
Ralph Fedor - KØIR
Bob Allphin - K4UEE
Erling Wiig - LA6VM

Artikkel [81] til [90] av totalt [740] Artikkler.
MUF/LUF varsling for DXCC-prefix
LA-DX-GROUP bruker Slack som Chat- og samhandlingsplatform. Tjenesten er forbeholdt medlemmer av LA-DX-GROUP. Slack workspace for LADXG er
LADXG CW QRG 3567 kHz:
Et av LADXG's viktige formål er å fremme CW (telegrafi) aktivitet på amatør båndene. 3567 kHz er LADXG medlemmenes treffpunkt for en uformell CW treff - uansett ferdighetsnivå.
LA DX Fund
Tema - Doublet
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Skrevet av: LA0FA, Dato: 09.05.2009

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