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little help to continue with the activity LU9EFO
Lagt til av LA0FA. Dato lagt til 18.06.2017 08:00:57

Hello Friend. How are you doing? I am going to activate an island in the Amazon in July and I would like to count on your help. If you can, for example 5 people together, helping with 20 dollar, will be 100 dollar that will help me a lot.

The trip will be over 20 days and I'll have to take 2 plans, 2 boats, rent a hostel, food plus unforeseen. For you have an idea of Brasili (Brazil's capital), place where you start the journey to the city of Belém are more than 2000 kilometers. The economy in the South American continent is in crisis and everything is very expensive. The project needs a lot of money and I'm paying most of it.

For me to continue with the dream of activating and keeping the radio alive, I count on the collaboration of my friends !!

Please send by Paypal of my Manager Stephane

You do not have paypal !!

Join the amazonas project
Now you can add via the QSL Manager

Mr. Stéphane F4BHW

Po.Box 3 
Foecy 18500 - France.

I usually travel alone, I'm not asking for big support, just a little help to continue with the activity, I'll put your logo on QSL and on Flyer when the event is published. Thank you.

Martin Butera
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Skrevet av: LA0FA, Dato: 09.05.2009

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