LA-DX-GROUP - the Norwegian DX Association
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01.02.2016 21:13:55
 Hammeeting 2016 Letohallen

Norsk Hammeeting 2016

Gardermogruppen ønsker velkommen til årets arrangement  8. – 10. april 2016

Vi vil gjerne ha tips om aktuelle foredrag eller temaer som du vil høre om. 

Send oss en epost eller legg ut på FB.

Stedet er som før, LetoHallen, Eidsvoll.

31.12.2015 13:41:54
 LADXG - LA DX Foundation - Donations 2015
The purpose of the LA DX Foundation, governed by the LA DX Group, is to support national and international DX Peditions which are of exceptional importance for the Amateur Radio Community.
The table below shows which DXPeditions we have supported in 2015.

Check also here for our earlier donations.

DXPedition Amount
Chesterfield, TX3X USD 200
Tuvalu, T2GC EUR 200
S.Sandwich/S.Georgia,VP8STI / VP8GSI USD 1000
Heard, VK0EK USD 500
Palmyra, K5P USD 500
Juan de Nova, FT4JA EUR 300
Willis Island, VK9WA USD 400
Comoros, D67GIA EUR 200
Equatorial Guineas, 3C7GIA EUR 450
25.12.2015 11:31:00
 DXCC Status ( oppdatert pr 25 desember 2015
Kjeller, 25 Desember 2015:
"Offisiell" DXCC status som publiseres av ARRL ( er nå oppdatert pr 25.Desember 2015 for alle Norske stasjoner som er medlem av LA DX Group. 

Sjekk "LA DXCC" på menylinjen ....
12.10.2015 11:28:47
 IOTA nytt- fra RSGBs DX-møte 10/9

Message delivered by webinterface from Ragnar,  LA5HE


Islands on the Air (IOTA) celebrated its 50th anniversary as a premier DX programme in July 2014. The last fifty years have seen the programme grow to 2,500 active island chasers and approximately 15,000 more casual participants. It is perhaps second in scale and scope to the DXCC award; indeed, many would argue it is even more challenging than that programme.

Last year the Society’s Board identified a number of challenges that the programme faced, not least of which was the need to provide an IT system that would allow online island credit submission akin to Logbook of the World (LoTW). Since that time, a small group of IOTA enthusiasts has been working with the Society to ensure that the IOTA programme continues to grow and play the prominent role that it has done in Amateur Radio DXing and contest activity for the last fifty years.

That work has now come to fruition and we are pleased to announce that a new organisation will be formed, to be called the IOTA Foundation. It will be run by IOTA enthusiasts and will manage the IOTA programme in partnership with the Society. One major task for the new organisation will be to develop a new online credit system that is due to be completed in 2017.

Roger Balister, G3KMA, Bob Barden, MD0CCE, Cezar Trifu, VE3LYC and Johan Willemsen, PA3EXX, are the team who will implement the IT changes and form the IOTA Foundation, with representation from radio amateurs at home and abroad.
22.09.2015 19:53:03
 Svalbard - SAC Phone Contest
The time has come for a new SAC Phone contest from Longyearbyen on Svalbard.

LA9DL Just, LA6VM Erling and I, LA7XK Halvard will, also this year, be active from
Svalbard. Before and after the contest as JW9DL, JW6VM and JW7XK and in the
contest our call is as usual JW5X. Before and after the contest our focus will be activity
on 160m, mainly on CW but also on SSB and JT65.
We will be arriving on the island mid day on Oct. 7 and are leaving mid day on Oct. 12.
We hope to be active on 160m from after sunset Oct. 7.

73 de Halvard, LA7XK
23.07.2015 09:43:17
 VOACAP Propagation Planner Revisited!
VOACAP Propagation Planner is a comprehensive planning tool for HF contesters and DXers. So far, the only problem has been that you really must be a dedicated enthusiast to run all the software required to maximize your efforts either in contests or DXpeditions. Now, things have changed: A new, more user-friendly version — 2.0 beta — is finally available!

Read the blogpost announcing the new 2.0 beta version...

19.07.2015 20:39:27
 VP8STI - VP8SGI - Januar/Februar 2016 !


Etter en suksessfull tur til South Sandwich der Intrepid gruppen kjørte ca 55.000 Qs er de nå litt lenger nord på Sør-Georgia (AN-007) som VP8SGI.

Der har de på litt over 3 døgn allerede kjørt 35000 Qs, derav ca 24.000 på CW. Det er en veldig bra rate. Sør Georgia er nr 8 på Most Wanted listen, så her er det mange som trenger en kontakt. Det virker som forholdene er bedre mot Sør Georgia enn mot Sandwich, så her har vi en fin uke foran oss. Intrepid holder på til 8.februar.


untitled (3)
18.07.2015 11:46:05
 DXCC Status (ARRL) pr 18.Juli 2015
Kjeller, 18.Juli 2015:
"Offisiell" DXCC status som publiseres av ARRL ( er nå oppdatert pr 18. Juli 2015 for alle Norske stasjoner som er medlem av LA DX Group. 

Sjekk "LA DXCC" på menylinjen ....
17.07.2015 09:47:14
 Fra det tyske DX-møtet i FHN- LA6VM + DJ9ZB

Message delivered by webinterface from Ragnar ,  LA5HE

30.06.2015 10:32:11
 Hamradio 2015- DX-dinner

Message delivered by webinterface from RAGNAR OTTERSTAD,  LA5HE

Artikkel [131] til [140] av totalt [740] Artikkler.
MUF/LUF varsling for DXCC-prefix
LA-DX-GROUP bruker Slack som Chat- og samhandlingsplatform. Tjenesten er forbeholdt medlemmer av LA-DX-GROUP. Slack workspace for LADXG er
LADXG CW QRG 3567 kHz:
Et av LADXG's viktige formål er å fremme CW (telegrafi) aktivitet på amatør båndene. 3567 kHz er LADXG medlemmenes treffpunkt for en uformell CW treff - uansett ferdighetsnivå.
LA DX Fund
Tema - Doublet
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Skrevet av: LA0FA, Dato: 09.05.2009

LA-DX-GROUP - 2024
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