LA-DX-GROUP - the Norwegian DX Association
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09.04.2017 08:38:45
 Rapport fra Tuvalu 2017 Ekspedisjonen (T2AQ/T2QR)

Bilde: Funafuti Atol, fra DXPeditionen's webside.

Jacek, SP5EAQ (T2AQ) and Marek SP7DQR (T2QR) har sendt sin reiserapport til LA-DX-GROUP. LA DX Fund har bidratt til DXPedisjonen. 

02.04.2017 00:43:53
 Årsmøte og DX-møte i LADXG avholdt!
Da tilhører Årsmøte i LADXG 2017 historien ! Vi takker for godt oppmøte og god stemning !

Spesiell takk til LA6VM/Erling, LA9DL/Just for deres "appetizer" i forkant av den store begivenheten på Bouvet!
Vi takker LA7GIA/Kenneth for atter en super single-man DXPedisjon til TL og en spennende skildring av både grundige forberedelser og forbilledlige operasjoner!

A very special thank to G7VJR/Michael for sharing so relevant insights from the huge amount of data in Clublog and interesting news about functionalities yet to be onboarded to the amazing platform of Clublog.

01.04.2017 00:25:09
 ARRL melder: Kure og Midway på Deleted list, 31.3.2017:  
Midway and Kure Islands have been placed on the list of DXCC deleted entities, effective August 26, 2016. This came about as an unintended consequence of action last summer by then-President Barack Obama that expanded the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument to include the northwestern Hawaiian Islands west of Ni’ihau Island, making it the largest contiguous protected conservation area under the US flag.

Les hele meldingen på:
28.03.2017 00:01:27
 4U1UN fortsatt QRT.....

UNARC/4U1UN is still having discussions with DPI regarding reactivating the station permanently. Hopefully we'll have an opportunity to plead our case to the new administration as well. Keep your fingers crossed. 4U1UN might be back on the air soon!
26.03.2017 09:58:36
 DXCC Card Checking på Letohallen !
Jon Morten Lervik, LA8HGA kommer for å sjekke QSL-kort for DXCC i Letohallen, kommer til å være til stede på lørdag (og kanskje èn dag til ved behov)
20.03.2017 20:57:19
 TZ5XR - Mali
Laurent, TZ5XR informerer om at han er aktiv som TZ5XR minst til 2019. Det er altså ingen hast å bryte pile-up - han er ingen DX-Pedisjon.  Han er aktiv på 40, 20, 17, 12, 10 M og CW og bruker LoTW. Les gjerne hele hans melding på:

Bildet: Fra Wikipedia, viser utsikten over hovedstaden Bamako,
15.03.2017 19:24:06

Message delivered by webinterface from Ragnar Otterstad,  LA5HE

Thanks for the various QSOs so far. Last weekend (11-12th) was the Commonwealth Contest (BERU) which 3B8/G3TXF did on 80m-10m, but with just five QSOs on 10m. Poor HF conditions.
Prior to BERU I was doing a bit of 30m and 17m. 
During this current week (up to the Russian DX Contest on Saturday) I'll be doing 30m/17m/12m CW. 

This coming weekend I'll be in the Russian-DX-Contest on 80m-10m. (I expect that there may be a bit more 'manic buzz' in the R-DX-C than there was during BERU last weekend!)

Today was the first session on 12m, otherwise it's been all 30m and 17m. In order to avoid other DX-peds' pile-ups, I am usually high up on both 30m and 17m. Typically 10125 and 18093.
After R-DX-C, I'll be back on the WARC bands until the final packing up early on Tuesday 21st.
The vertical antennas here are right on the water's edge with a clear sea take-off in all the main directions, which is helping the signal tremendously.
Full logs are being uploaded onto both Club Log and LoTW several times a day.
73 - Nigel 3B8/G3TXF
07.03.2017 23:14:32
 2 nye land på 50 MHz !
Picture: from

In Uruguay, new Amateur Radio regulations that came into force on February 24 provide for a 5,351.5-5,366.5 kHz 60-meter band as well as for allocations on 472-479 kHz, 47-47.2 GHz, and 77.5-78 GHz. In addition, radio amateurs in Uruguay now have extended allocations on 80 meters, 3,500-4,000 kHz, and on 160 meters, 1,800-2,000 kHz. The new bands and sub-bands were adopted according to the recently updated International Amateur Radio Union Region 2 (IARU-R2) band plan.  

In Hong Kong, the local telecommunication authority OFCA has allocated 5,351.5-5,366.5 kHz to the Amateur Radio Service on a secondary basis. The maximum power permitted is 15 W EIRP. All 60 meter allocations are on a secondary basis.

05.03.2017 23:13:19
 NYHET : DX Kalender
Prøv LA-DX-GROUP's nye DX Kalender. Aktualisert kalender  på daglig basis med aktuelle DX nå og de nærmeste 30 dager.
Dette er en betaversjon og webmaster er interessert å høre dine tilbakemeldinger  ... skriv gjerne epost til matpet[at] eller ta kontakt på skype chat.
04.03.2017 14:20:56
Plukket opp fra DX-World bulletin 189, 2.mars 2017:

3B7, AGALEGA and ST BRANDON  Seb, F5UFX announces ‘after our successful dxpeditions to tromelin (ft4ta) and juan de nova (ft4ja), we are very happy to announce our new project. Our team will be active from saint brandon island 3B7 in October 2017 for a two weeks operation. more details to follow soon!’
Artikkel [101] til [110] av totalt [740] Artikkler.
MUF/LUF varsling for DXCC-prefix
LA-DX-GROUP bruker Slack som Chat- og samhandlingsplatform. Tjenesten er forbeholdt medlemmer av LA-DX-GROUP. Slack workspace for LADXG er
LADXG CW QRG 3567 kHz:
Et av LADXG's viktige formål er å fremme CW (telegrafi) aktivitet på amatør båndene. 3567 kHz er LADXG medlemmenes treffpunkt for en uformell CW treff - uansett ferdighetsnivå.
LA DX Fund
Tema - Doublet
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Skrevet av: LA0FA, Dato: 09.05.2009

LA-DX-GROUP - 2024
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