LADXG har fått følgende hyggelige melding fra Stan, LZ1GC:
Dear Friends from LA DX Group,
I am Stan, LZ1GC (A35GC & E6AM). I am OK, in a good health condition and I am again ready to travel to the Pacific Area!
LA DX Group donated 400€ to support E6AM & A35GC DXpedition in 2020. Due the Covid-19, the restricting measures and closed borders, this DXpedition was postponed for 2021 and later for 2022.
1. I can to inform the Board and the Members of LA DX Group, that A35GC DXpedition will take place between 2 November and 20 November 2022. A35GC team is from 2 operators: Stan, LZ1GC and Ivan, LZ1PM. We will be QRV on all bands incl. 6 m and on all modes - CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8. All LA stations, which have worked A35GC will receive fast LoTW confirmation (a month after end of the expedition ) and paper QSL without any request, because LA DX Group is a Sponsor of A35GC DXpedition!!!
2. I want to inform you also that E6AM is postponed for October/November 2023. The reason for this is a 60% increase in the price of plane tickets and the increasingly unstable situation with Covid-19.
LA DX Group was Sponsor of planned E6AM & A35GC DXpedition 2020 and the logo of LA DX Group is on the Sponsors page of A35GC and will be automaticali on the same place in 2023 as Sponsor of E6AM DXpedition 2023!
So, for now.
Thanks again for the support!!!
My best wishes to all members of LA DX Group!
See you on the Air!
Kind Regards!
With Respect!
Your Friend for ever: Stan, LZ1GC (A35GC & E6AM)