LA-DX-GROUP - the Norwegian DX Association
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Siste nytt fra 9J2LA - Zambia
Lagt til av LA0FA. Dato lagt til 08.02.2020 09:47:01

Rune, LA7THA, har sendt oss følgende gode nyheter 08. Februar 2020:

Some rumour from the grape yard. Well, it’s not a rumour anymore. After an endless long prosses to get the license we are finally there. 
A big thanks to Mario 9J2MYT (IK1MYT) and Brian 9J2BO that helped us in the license prosses, we have received our licence just before the weekend. 

We are now ramping up our “Boy scout trip”, our QTH in Zambia is secured, buss transportation from Lusaka airport to the lodge is booked and flight tickets purchased. We are still working on customs clearance details, but we hope that we have it sorted out soon. 

We will leave Oslo the 4th of March @ 18:45 and the scheduled arrival at Lusaka airport is 12:30 local time the 5th of March. Let’s hope that the customs clearance will go smooth and don’t make too much of a headache, however, you never know. The bus ride is short of 2 hours, if no traffic. There is an ongoing power shedding trough the full country and it has been ongoing for a long time. The rainy season that comes late this year, has been rather dry and on top of that, the country has some issues with one of the main power electricity generators. 

According to our last conversation with the lodge owner, they suffer 4 hours of power cut each evening. For this reason, we are also in the process of purchasing a portable electricity generator as a backup. 

 73, Rune LA7THA.
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