LA-DX-GROUP - the Norwegian DX Association
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6O6O - Somalia - Januar 2018
Lagt til av LA0FA. Dato lagt til 19.12.2017 00:21:58

Ken, LA7GIA informs, that together with Adrian, KO8SCA, they will be active as 6O6O from Somalia, 3 - 16 January 2018.They will operate on 160 - 10m.

They will use Elecraft K3 transeivers and one 500W amplifier and one 1kW amplifier. Antennas - 2 el yagi 20 - 10m, SteppIr vertical 40 -10m, 80m full size vertical, Inverted L for 160m, 200m long beverages and also K9AY and BOG antennas.

We have an invitation from the Ministry to go to Somalia and make amateur radio transmission. License is granted as 6O6O, and we have received our LoTW certificate.

6O – Somalia is ranked 47 on CW and 54 mixed on Clublog most wanted.

This is primarily a DXpedition – 12 full days. We offer instant clublog and LoTW upload if wifi is working. 

Humanitarian aspect
In conjunction with this trip we setup a humanitarian fundraiser where all donations received will be given directly to Doctors Without Borders in Somalia, and earmarked their work. We are not asking for support to cover our own expenses, but instead we are raising funds for Doctors Without Borders.

In 2016 Ken LA7GIA did a similar fundraiser for Doctors Without Borders in Central African Republic as TL8AO. That fundraiser ended on 11000 USD.

6O Somalia is a very poor country with an ongoing civil war. Doctors Without Borders quite recently returned to Somalia after having being absent for 4 years. They had to withdraw in 2012 after several attacks on their aid workers. In 2016 they returned, and we hope that the donation will be well received in Somalia as it will be earmarked their work in 6O.

We have setup a dedicated paypal address for these donations <>
In addition it is possible to wire transfer a donation directly to DWOB, details can be provided.

All organizations and clubs will get their logo on our website as well as QSL card.

Closing date for donations is Feb 1st 2018 when donations will be wire transferred to DWOB.

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