LA-DX-GROUP - the Norwegian DX Association
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ARLD035 DX News
Lagt til av LA0FA. Dato lagt til 06.09.2009 18:59:12
SWAZILAND, 3DA0. Arnold, WB6OJB is QRV as 3DA0JK until September 8. Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using SSB. QSL to home call.

MALTA, 9H. Wim, PA2AM will be QRV as 9H3DZ from September 4 to 14. Activity will be mainly on the newer bands using CW and RTTY. QSL
to home call.

BOLIVIA, CP. Rene, DF9GR is QRV as CP6/DF9GR until September 10.
He is active mainly on 80 meters. QSL to home call.

FRANCE, F. Look for special event stations TM150RPC and TM0RPC to
be active from September 6 to 20 in commemoration of the 150th
anniversary of the birth of radio pioneer and Nobel Prize winner
Pierre Curie. QSL via F5KAZ.

GUADELOUPE, FG. Anthony, F4EUG is QRV as FG/F4EUG until September 10. Activity is on all bands and modes. QSL to home call.

AUSTRAL ISLANDS, FO. Don, G3BJ and Hilary, G4JKS are QRV as FO/G3BJ from Rurutu Island, IOTA OC-050 and Tubuai Island, IOTA OC-152, until September 16. Activity is on 80 to 10 meters using mostly CW. QSL to G3BJ.

ITALY, I. Members of the ARI Vigevano club are QRV as IY2M until
January 31, 2010 in celebration of the 100th year anniversary of
Marconi's Nobel Prize. QSL via IW2NOH.

JAPAN, JA. Special event station 8J7M is QRV until December 31 from
Honshu Island, IOTA AS-007, in celebration of the 60 years of the
Amateur Radio Morioka Club and the 120th anniversary of Morioka-city
in the Tohoku region. QSL via bureau.

SVALBARD, JW. Ingrid, LA8FOA and Unni, LA6RHA and other operators will be QRV as JW1SYL from Longyearbyen, IOTA EU-026, from September 6 to 13. QSL via operators' instructions.

MARIANA ISLANDS, KH0. A group of operators are QRV as AH0BT until September 7. This includes an entry in the All Asian SSB DX
contest. QSL via 7L1FRU.

LUXEMBOURG, LX. Operators PA1TK, PA5WT and PA3GVI are QRV as LX/home calls until September 7. Activity is on 80 to 10 meters
using CW and SSB. This includes a 2-meter entry in the IARU VHF
Contest. QSL to home calls.

FAROE ISLANDS, OY. Johan, OY2J is now QRV. QSL direct to home

DENMARK, OZ. Michael, DK5NA will be QRV as 5Q5NA from Romo Island, IOTA EU-125, from September 6 to 25. Activity will be on all bands.
QSL via bureau.

NETHERLANDS, PA. Special event station PA75AJU is QRV until
September 29 to commemorate the flight 75 years ago of the KLM
Douglas DC-2 that won the handicap section of the Mac Robertson
Trophy Air Race from London to Melbourne in October 1934. QSL via

GREECE, SV. A group of operators will be QRV as SX2IMA from Mount
Rachia on September 5 and 6 during Greek Field Day. QSL direct via

DODECANESE, SV5. Members of Aegean DX Group are QRV as SX5AG from Agathonisi Island, IOTA EU-001, until September 7. Activity is on 80 to 6 meters using SSB and various digital modes near the IOTA
frequencies. QSL via SV8CYR.

NAMIBIA, V5. Operators DJ2HD, DK1CE and DH3WO will be QRV as
V5/home calls from September 5 to 26. Activity is on 40 to 10
meters using CW and SSB during their holidays. QSL via operators'

VENEZUELA, YV. Pasquale is QRV as YV5KAJ/YV7 from Margarita Island, IOTA SA-012, until September 11. Activity is on 40, 30 and 20
meters using digital modes. QSL via EA5KB.

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Skrevet av: LA0FA, Dato: 09.05.2009

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