Z2LA and 7P8LB team members are planning a trip to Zambia during early March 2020.
The license application form has been received and will shortly be forwarded with request of call sign 9J2LA.
A web page is under construction and will be released during the summer. Facebook will be used for “Breaking news” the weeks before departure and during the Expedition.
The team have two new members: Morten (LB8DC) and Morten (LA3MHA). They will focus on CW and FT8 for the low bands and CW, SSB, FT8 for higher bands.
QSO director and direct upload to Club Log will be used if internet access is available. QSL via M0OXO.
Styrets sammensetning og øvrige verv for perioden 2019/2020 er oppdatert her på websiden.
Årmøtet 2019 vedtok at LA-DX-GROUP's Skype Chat fra nå av skal være forbeholdt medlemmene i LA-DX-GROUP. Styret har derfor oppdatert retningslinjene for bruk av Skype Chat som kan lastes ned her. Vi henstiller derfor alle brukerne at LADXG Skype Chat som pt ikke er medlem av LADXG å bli medlem senest innen utgangen av Mai 2019. Styret i LADXG vil pr. 1.Juni 2019 sperre LADXG's Skype Chat for ikke medlemmer.
Mottatt fra Stan, LZ1GZ med rapport fra hans 5W og YJ DXpedisjon i 2018 (en DXPedisjon LA-DX-GROUP har støttet via LADXFunds):
The idea of activating Samoa (5W) and Vanuatu (YJ) occurred to me immediately after the end of the H40GC DXpedition 2017. I had other plans, but in February, 2018, I decided to activate these two destinations. At that time, Samoa (5W) was 127th in the CLUBLOG ranking as the most wanted country among the amateur community and Vanuatu (YJ) was number 75 in the same ranking.
Også i år arrangerer LA-DX-GROUP årsmøte med etterfølgende DX foredrag i forbindelse med Norsk Hammeeting. Både årsmøtet og DX foredragene er åpent for alle, men bare de medlemmer av LA-DX-GROUP, som har betalt kontingent for 2019, har stemmerett på årsmøtet.
The 7P8LB Team are now well established as they near their departure date in a few weeks time.
7P8LB will be active from Lesotho during the period of the 8th - 16th of March 2019. based at Molengoane Lodge, grid loc: KG30VO.
LA7THA Rune has organized and planned the trip during the last year. The reason Lesotho was chosen as a "target" is; It's high up on Low Band Most Wanted Lists and it is "new" on FT8.
There will be 8 operators and we planning to have 2-3 stations running 24/7. We will work all HF bands SSB, CW, with focus on low bands and FT8.
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LA-DX-GROUP bruker Slack som Chat- og samhandlingsplatform. Tjenesten er forbeholdt medlemmer av LA-DX-GROUP. Slack workspace for LADXG er https://la-dx-group.slack.com
LADXG CW QRG 3567 kHz:
Et av LADXG's viktige formål er å fremme CW (telegrafi) aktivitet på amatør båndene. 3567 kHz er LADXG medlemmenes treffpunkt for en uformell CW treff - uansett ferdighetsnivå.
LA DX Fund
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