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24.11.2012 09:59:24
 ZL9HR update

Message delivered by webinterface from Ragnar,  LA5HE

Nine of the ten team members are in Invercargill, NZ with the tenth member flying in early Sunday morning. The NZ Department of Conservation inspected all our DX-pedition equipment on Saturday and found everything to be in acceptable condition to be brought to the island, no exceptions were noted. The team knew what had to be done to achieve this rating and all was handled prior to shipping. All the equipment was unpacked, inspected and many items were wrapped in plastic sheeting, in bins, or removed from their cardboard boxes. The equipment was placed in quarantine until Monday morning. A final inspection of personal items will be conducted on Monday morning at which time everything will be transported to the boat. A subset of the team then went to purchase 1,100 liters of fuel for the generators. On Sunday afternoon we return to the DoC station for a briefing on working around the island's wildlife, safety and a review of the permit conditions. Today we met the DoC officer who will accompany us during the expedition. The boat just arrived from Auckland Island where she took a DoC team to inventory penguins. We will meet the boat on Monday morning to begin the loading process. We are told the seas have calmed down after a storm recently passed through the region. We are scheduled to sail shortly after noon on Monday. Once underway we will not be checking e-mail or any of the Internet blogs, all communications will be through the designated pilots. Thanks for your continued support of ZL9HR. 73, The ZL9HR Team ------------------------------------
22.11.2012 23:45:09
 LIberia i CQWW kommende helg

Message delivered by webinterface from Ragnar,  LA5HE

EL2A in CQWWCW We are all ready for CQWWCW contest this weekend, the only one that matters in the annual calendar! Lee KY7M EL2LF has made some 200 RTTY QSOs; Mike KC7V EL2MF made some 250 160m QSOs with Europe and as far West as W6 this morning; Bud N7CW EL2WS made a few dozen 6 mtr QSOs but only as far North as the Med; Ned AA7A EL2ES has been busy on several bands but mostly ironing out problems at the five stations; John G4IRN EL2RN has been doing likewise with the compootas and I.T.; Fred G4BWP A65BD EL2WP exhausted himself building the antenna farm; Roger G3SXW EL2A has been master-minding the whole operation from his office in the bar. Tough project all round so we’ll need $50 OQRS per QSO to pay for our holiday (for the ‘Sense of Humour Challenged’ the last two sentences are both jokes). The hotel is now Chinese owned so it’s flied lice all the way! 10m – Force 12 4 ele mono-bander at 60’ 15m – Force 12 3 ele mono-bander at 50’ 20m – Force 12 3 ele mono-bander at 50’ 40m – Cushcraft 40-2CD 2 ele at 40’ 80m – sloping dipole to North, from 60’ 160m – Titanex vertical about 75’, base at 20’ 160m RX – two flag antennas, N and NW (all antennas on hotel flat roofs) 5 stations plus one back-up: all Elecraft K2 and K3 Alpha 76 and 78 amplifiers, one Kw on each band Logging with WinTest eight operators: AA7A, EL2DT, G3SXW, G4BWP, G4IRN, KC7V, KY7M, N7CW. QSL EL2A via G3SXW; personal calls via home calls except EL2WP via G5LP. Internet reliable but slow: LoTW and ClubLog when we get home next week. 73 de Roger/G3SXW, EL2A.
22.11.2012 23:34:31
 TT8TT - Oktober 2012
Fra Ove, LA2IJ, 22.11.2012: LA DX Group støttet TT8TT-ekspedisjonen, og vi har mottatt en artikkel som Silvano I2YSB har skrevet om ekspedisjonen. Vi fikk også en TT8TT-DVD som eventuelt kan vises fram ved en passende anledning.
73 Ove / LA2IJ

Her kan du laste ned artikkelen som omhandler TT8TT DXpedisjonen.
22.11.2012 13:51:42
 Amateur radio activity from Somalia and Kenya by LA4GHA

Message delivered by webinterface from Roger Bjørgvik,  LA4GHA

LA4GHA, Roger plans to be active as 5Z4/LA4GHA from Nairobi, Kenya and from Garowe, Somalia (license not issued yet) for 2 years starting in December 2012. Qrv 160-10m ssb,cw digital modes. Qsl to la4gha via buro or direct. See info for LA4GHA. He will be working for UNODC during his stay in East Africa, so qrv only when time permits. 73 Roger, LA4GHA.
12.11.2012 17:54:55
 PT0S "Team On the Rocks"

Message delivered by webinterface from Øistein,  LA4HIA

Nov 11, 2012, St. Peter and St. Paul We landed on SPSP yesterday morning. After many difficulties we have raised our main antenna and have one station operational. Spent last night on 160 with mixed results. Local noise on the main TX antenna is S9+10 dB and we can only work stations with signals above that. It is like listening to the output of a switching power supply. Will try to build RX antenna today. Conditions are too rough to build the planned remote RX antenna. We must wait for calmer conditions to swim to the remote rock called Cabral. We have very limited Internet access so updates will be kept short. AA7JV
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