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05.03.2013 21:10:58

Message delivered by webinterface from Ragnar,  LA5HE

LOTW has been uploaded today! Some words from our QSL manager (M0URX): "QSL requests - I have processed all 1,000 OQRS direct requests and all letters arrived up to today have also been processed. 5 boxes of envelopes all ready for the QSL printing ;-) Bureau - I have 2,000 Bureau requests that will be processed next. The Bureau QSL cards will be posted direct to all World Bureaus in May which is my next Bureau posting date. Already I see on cluster that the LoTW credits are appearing". About 500 mails have been answered for busted calls into the log. Pictures have been uploaded to the printers for making the QSL card. It's gonna be a double folded QSL card 73's from the 9U4U team
03.03.2013 22:06:33
 Wake Island 2013 - OC-053/KH9

Team Leader Lou N2TU and the Management Team of Joe W8GEX, Craig K9CT, and Joe AA4NN are proud to announce they are planning a Commemorative DXpedition to a rare DX entity. This DXpedition will be to Wake Atoll (KH9) in October 2013.

Se oppdaterte nyheter på

03.03.2013 21:55:01
 OC-161, Nias Island, Indonesia YB6N
YB0SAT , YB1HK , YB4IR , YB5QZ will be active from Nias Island (IOTA OC-161) 7-13 March 2013 as YB6N They will be active on HF Bands.
QSL via YB4IR.

Se database med propagasjonsvarsel.
18.02.2013 00:07:43
 TOP20 registrering for 4M (70MHz)

Bilde: 6-El.-28-Ohm-Yagi laget av Mark, CT1FJC

Da har vi klargjort "TOP20" registreringen her på også for 4m (70MHz) båndet. Da kan registreringen og konkurransen om kjørte og bekreftede 4M DXCC starte !
14.02.2013 09:03:12
 Clipperton TX5K

Message delivered by webinterface from Ragnar,  LA5HE


Have been given permission by TX5K Clipperton team to upload their handbook. At size 8Mb, it will not upload as a file on Yahoo groups, so here's the link instead:

73, Col MM0NDX

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Et av LADXG's viktige formål er å fremme CW (telegrafi) aktivitet på amatør båndene. 3567 kHz er LADXG medlemmenes treffpunkt for en uformell CW treff - uansett ferdighetsnivå.
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