05.09.2013 22:51:38 |
Z81 Syd-Sudan
Under the auspices of Project Goodwill South Sudan, shared with the International Amateur Radio Union Region 1 and the Yasme Foundation and supported by Yaesu Musen Co. Ltd, the announcement of a much anticipated low-band operation is only a few weeks away. The multinational team is busy getting the equipment and other
material into South Sudan.
Adding to the Z81X operation of last spring, Robert, S53R will be in Juba, for a work assignment and will be involved with a preparatory phase of Project Goodwill South Sudan.
> He is going to sign Z81R from September 10 to September 14, while the activity will be sporadic because of his professional duties. QSLs for this operation will be handled by Martti, OH2BH.
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04.09.2013 17:28:04 |
DX Møte står i fare til å bli avlyst !
Vi har pr idag fått bindende påmeldinger fra 12 interesserte. Styret er overrasket over det lave tilslaget når vi husker at en enstemmig generalforsamling med over 40 deltakere så sent som i April i år har oppfordret styret å jobbe med organiseringen av et DX Møte.
Dersom vi innen søndag førstkommende ikke har minimum 25 deltakere så ser styret seg dessverre nødt til å avlyse DX møtet.
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02.09.2013 12:52:09 |
Kjent DX-er og contester er død
Fra en av Cypros-amatørene kom denne meldingen idag:
It is with deep regret that I wish to inform you of the passing of Mr.Steve Hodgson, ZC4LI on Saturday afternoon, 31st August. He was 69. He had
been ill for some time. Steve and I shared something of a common background, we both worked for 'The Firm' in the 60s and 70s, as well as being fellow hams. He was an enthusiastic contest operator and had won many
awards. I'm sure his call will be sorely missed.
Adrian, 5B4AIY
I de siste årene var Steve særlig aktiv i RTTY -tester men man kunne alltid stole på å få en CW QSO. |
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01.09.2013 16:03:49 |
Zorro will be in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, from 18th to 23rd September signing XZ1Z again. He has spotted a better location on top of a 1557 feet hill, and expect to have better signals. He will bring a 10-15-20m tri-band Yagi, in addition to the GPs used last month. The operation will be mainly CW this time and focus on NA/SA.
In mid November, Foundation for Global Children (FGC) will have a multi national team DXpedition to Myanmar for about 10 days. Three to four stations, 24 hours, 160 – 10m, CW/SSB/Digi. Stay tuned!
QSL via ClubLog OQRS (preferred) or JH1AJT.
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31.08.2013 06:47:40 |
DXCC (ARRL) status oppdatert pr 31.8.2013
| Kjeller, 31.8.2013: "Offisiell" DXCC status som publiseres av ARRL (arrl.org) er nå oppdatert pr 31.8.2013 for alle LA & LB stasjoner her på ladxg.no. |
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