DR OM’s, please find enclosed the Amsterdam Island Dxpedition 2014 Press Release of 26 October, with some additional information.
The expedition is still economically under-funded, so your support is highly appreciated!We encourage the ham community to visit our web page and make contributions; thanks in advance!
Thank you for your interest and support, and stay tuned for more information as the preparation progresses, it is now only about 2months until the expedition departure from Perth!
Message delivered by webinterface from Ragnar, LA5HE
TU5AX, TU5XV and TU5NK are the respective callsigns for Chris (F4WBN) (ex TL0A), Paul (F6EXV) and Jan (DJ8NK) for this solidarity radio operation which will take place from 17. - 30.Nov. 2013.
Activity will be on SSB, CW and RTTY, from 160 to 6m. QSL to home calls,via bureau, direct or OQRS (Clublog).
The 3 operators will support the clubstation TU2CI and will leave equipmentbehind (radios and antennas), install it and train the local operators to use it,in order to revive the Abidjan radio club, and assist some local hams who
have strongly suffered from the civil war that hit the country some time ago.
Message delivered by webinterface from David Beran, OK6DJ
X T 2 6 D J & X T 2 F C J
Date 17 - 26 nov 2013
Operators ok6dj & ok1fcj
Setup: Ant spiderbeam 20 15 10 m incl WARC, vertical 40 to 10m, 80 m dipole, LW 160 meters.
Tcvr: Elecraft K3, Kenwood ts 480.
QSL info :
Lotw, Eqsl.cc - 6-9 months
Buro after 12 months
Our equipment is packeg. Over weight is 55 kg - 121 pounds . We are looking for retail sponsors.
more info http://www.qrz.com/db/XT26DJ
73 David
Message delivered by webinterface from Ragnar, LA5HE
Due to the U.S. Government shutdown, the Wake Island K9W Forgotten 98's Commemorative DXpedition is now on hold pending a revised schedule. We will announce new dates for the DXpedition as soon as possible.Thank you for your patience and understanding.
The K9W Wake Management Team
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