Message delivered by webinterface from Ragnar, LA5HE
The 2013 CQ DX Marathon ended on December 31, 2013 and the 2014 CQ DX Marathon is now underway!
Logs for the 2013 Marathon must be submitted by 2359Z January 10, 2014. Full submission details and 2014 Rules are available at This year, several new tools are available to make the submission process easier than ever.
Jim, AD1C, has created a tool that directly prepares the submission form by converting a standard ADIF file from your logging program. Details are available at For users of the DX Lab suite of software, DXKeeper will create the submission form. Details are available at Submission forms should be submitted as an email attachment to
For questions about the Marathon , contact
73, John K9EL - DX Marathon Manager
Join the "DXMarathon" group on Yahoo Groups!
Message delivered by webinterface from Ragnar, LA5HE
Klippet fra FOCUS:
A group of six operators from the UK will operate from the island of Raivavae in the Australs (IOTA OC-114) from 20th March until 1st April, all bands CW, SSB and RTTY.
The operators are Don G3BJ, Chris G3SVL, Nigel G3TXF, David G3WGN, Don G3XTT, Hilary G4JKS and Justin G4TSH. They plan to run up to three stations, each consisting of a K3 plus amplifier. Antennas will consist of various vertical systems on the beach.
The team will upload logs to Club Log and, bandwidth permitting; will also beuploading to LoTW as the expedition progresses. QSLs will be handled by G3TXF and requests can be made directly or via the Club Log OQRS facility. After the DXpedition most members of the team will be attending the International DX Convention at Visalia.
A website will be launched with further details once the callsign and other details are confirmed
Message delivered by webinterface from Ragnar, LA5HE
The Swiss Post Office sells IRCs at - a pack of
10 is CHF 20 (presumably including VAT - I don't know if it is
actually charged on international shipments). At current exchange
rates that's $2.25 US each. The picture shown is of the "new"
version. The description says: Art. no.: 1943400
Available for delivery: Worldwide
The direct link is:
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LADXG CW QRG 3567 kHz:
Et av LADXG's viktige formål er å fremme CW (telegrafi) aktivitet på amatør båndene. 3567 kHz er LADXG medlemmenes treffpunkt for en uformell CW treff - uansett ferdighetsnivå.
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