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20.01.2014 19:13:45
 FT5ZM halvveis….

Plukket opp på FT5ZM's Facebookside 20. Januar 2014:

Good news coming from MV Braveheart while sailing towards Amsterdam Island: 

"First 2 days were rough but last 3 1/2 have been calm seas and great weather. Crew and team are in good spirits! 73 de K4UEE"

MV Braveheart is currently at Lat -33.83331 Lon 91.93147 - almost half way of the planned cruise to the island.

18.01.2014 16:56:39
 Offisiell ARRL DXCC status
Offisiell DXCC status som publisert av ARRL er oppdatert pr 18.1.2014 her på 

LA DXCC status på synkroniseres opp mot ARRL 1-2 ganger i måneden. Avvik mellom ARRL publiseringene og LA DXCC status kan derfor forekomme.

15.01.2014 23:06:09
 DX Tips Editor

Message delivered by webinterface from Matthias,  LA0FA

Det finnes nå en enkel online-editor for DX Tips.
14.01.2014 08:26:17

Message delivered by webinterface from Ragnar,  LA5HE

En sann gentleman er borte : 

"John G. Troster, W6ISQ, became a Silent Key on January 11, 2014. His wife of 65 years, Marguerite (KC6NFE), was at his bedside when he passed away. 

Jack, along with Vince Chinn K6KQN (now W6EE), Lee Shaklee W6BH (SK), and Don Schliesser K6RV, founded the Northern California DX Foundation in October, 1972. Jack served as an NCDXF Board member for 26 years before stepping down in July, 1998. 
 He was the Foundation’s third President, serving from 1975 until 1986. Jack had an enormous passion for amateur radio. 

He was first licensed in September, 1935, at age 14, as W2ISQ in Yonkers , New York . He received his W6ISQ callsign when he moved to California shortly after the end of World War II. 

Among Jack’s many radio accomplishments and awards were DXCC #1 Honor Roll on the Mixed, CW and SSB modes; 5B-DXCC; 5B-WAS (Certificate #4); and USA Counties Award (for working all 3,076 USA counties, which he did completely on CW!). Jack was a member of the FOC and the A1 Operators Club; he served as president of both the Northern California DX Club and the Northern California Contest Club; he was a Contributing Editor of QST magazine and was the Pacific Division’s representative on the ARRL DX Advisory Committee. He was a director of the Quarter Century Wireless Association and for years wrote the monthly QCWA column published in World Radio News. Jack was named NCDXC’s DXer of the Year, and in 1988 he was inducted as the 27th member of the CQ DX Hall of Fame. 

As impressive as were all his radio achievements, even more so was Jack himself. He was the consummate gentleman. He was warm and welcoming to everyone he met, and many amateur radio operators today enjoy the hobby as a direct result of his nurturing, encouragement and enthusiasm. Jack was known for his quick wit and encyclopedic knowledge of amateur radio history. His passing leaves a huge void. Amateur radio has lost one of its giants." --

12.01.2014 17:55:48
 A note to European DXers
Interesting article by Ralph Fedor K0IR, team leader of FT5ZM, for European DX’ers in exclusive to DxCoffee. We thank Ralph and the team for the special attention to European DX’ers. Klikk bildet for å lese hva Ralph har skrevet.
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Et av LADXG's viktige formål er å fremme CW (telegrafi) aktivitet på amatør båndene. 3567 kHz er LADXG medlemmenes treffpunkt for en uformell CW treff - uansett ferdighetsnivå.
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