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25.02.2015 09:03:08
 DX-peditions - statistikk

Message delivered by webinterface from Ragnar,  LA5HE

23.02.2015 15:20:17
 K1N intervju

Message delivered by webinterface from Ragnar,  LA5HE

09.02.2015 08:34:51
 South Sandwich and South Georgia

Message delivered by webinterface from Matthias,  LA0FA


The Intrepid-DX Group announced our plans to activate South Sandwich and South Georgia in mid-December.  With the activation of Navassa, these Islands become the #3 and #8 most wanted entities world-wide. The activation of these two rare islands will be very expensive. The 14 team members are contributing $210,000 towards the $425,000 total cost of the DXpedition.

The team has a critical decision to make. We have a non-refundable deposit of $54,000 due to pay for our vessel charter.

We fully intend to go forward with our plans however we need indications from the global DX Community that you support our plans. While we are pleased with the support of some individuals and a few clubs so far, we are now asking those of you who have not yet done so to please consider donating to our fund, or pledge a donation. We ask that the DX Clubs and Associations of the global DX community lend us their support. We must feel confident that we can successfully raise enough funds for this exciting endeavor before we can commit to the non-refundable charter deposit.

You can see how to make a donation here

If you cannot donate at this time, but wish to make a pledge, please let us know: intrepiddxgroup[at]

If you wish your donation to be US tax deductible, consider making a directed donation through the Northern California DX Foundation. Without significant support from the global DX Community, we will not be able to go forward with our plans.


The Intrepid-DX Group VP8/S and VP8/G Team

06.02.2015 20:12:47
 K1N - fra CDXC reflektoren

Message delivered by webinterface from Ragnar,  LA5HE


Whenever I've listened to K1N, maybe a total of two hours over several
sessions (CW of course), I noted that there were long gaps between most
transmissions, resulting in a rather slow QSO rate. It seems clear to me
that they are having real trouble in pulling out call-signs.

Of course, we might say, that's no surprise because the pile-ups are so
huge. But we know that many of their operators are world-class. and surely
by spreading the pile so widely they should be able to differentiate one
signal from another. You might already know my opinion about the K3 receiver
on the hot end of pile-ups: signals can blur into a mush, even with careful
set-up of DSP, AGC etc. It's a totally different experience to operating it
at home. I'd suggest that they turn off preamp, turn on attenuator and back
off the RF gain. If that doesn't help then turn off AGC (but risk hearing

If the RX is a contributory factor then they have my fullest sympathy. They
are there doing their very best to hand out as many QSOs as possible but are
hampered. If it's not RX mush then what is it? - noise in the shack, local
QRN from generators, break-through from other stations, fatigue . . . Let's
just allow the possibility that maybe the K3 can't cope.

73 de Roger/G3SXW.
25.01.2015 23:40:52
 Friedrichshafen 2015

Message delivered by webinterface from Arne,  LA7WCA

Vi planlegger en tur til HAM RADIO 26. – 28. Juni 2015 i FHN. 

Meningen er å leie en minibuss, som i 2013, og bruke ca. en uke på turen. 
Jeg har fått tilbud på en 8 seter MB Vito, diesel og automat, og gode seter. 
Bagasjeplassen er selvsagt ikke stor, men burde være god nok for vanlig bagasje og noen “Duppeditter”. Prisen på leie av bil, ble som i 2013, Kr. 8000,-, fri Km og forsikring. 
Vi betaler bompenger, ferge og diesel. 

I 2014 tok jeg fly, men dette synes jeg var stressende. 

Vi er to sikre, men bør vel være 5 – 6 personer til. 

Noen som er interessert, så ta kontakt så fort som mulig. Hotell må bestilles i god tid. 

73s de Arne LA7WCA..
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