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SSN:168, SFI:172, A-index:18, K-index:2
Article about 5W0GC & YJ0GC DXpedition 2018 organized by Stan, LZ1GC
Lagt til av LA0FA. Dato lagt til 24.02.2019 10:42:22
Mottatt fra Stan, LZ1GZ med rapport fra hans 5W og YJ DXpedisjon i 2018 (en DXPedisjon LA-DX-GROUP har støttet via LADXFunds):

The idea of activating Samoa (5W) and Vanuatu (YJ) occurred to me immediately after the end of the H40GC DXpedition 2017. I had other plans, but in February, 2018, I decided to activate these two destinations. At that time, Samoa (5W) was 127th in the CLUBLOG ranking as the most wanted country among the amateur community and Vanuatu (YJ) was number 75 in the same ranking. 

Read the entire article here.

Bilde: Stan, LZ1GZ som op YJ0GC.
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