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7P8LB - Lesotho - 8th-16th March 2019
Lagt til av LA0FA. Dato lagt til 02.02.2019 14:02:19
The 7P8LB Team are now well established as they near their departure date in a few weeks time.

7P8LB will be active from Lesotho during the period of the 8th - 16th of March 2019. based at Molengoane Lodge, grid loc: KG30VO.

LA7THA Rune has organized and planned the trip during the last year. The reason Lesotho was chosen as a "target" is; It's high up on Low Band Most Wanted Lists and it is "new" on FT8.

There will be 8 operators and we planning to have 2-3 stations running 24/7. We will work all HF bands SSB, CW, with focus on low bands and FT8.

Check the teams outstanding web-page:

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Et av LADXG's viktige formål er å fremme CW (telegrafi) aktivitet på amatør båndene. 3567 kHz er LADXG medlemmenes treffpunkt for en uformell CW treff - uansett ferdighetsnivå.
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