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SSN:113, SFI:160, A-index:9, K-index:1
Baker Island KH1/KH7Z
Lagt til av LA0FA. Dato lagt til 31.07.2018 08:36:12

Dated July 27, 2018
For Immediate Release:

Dateline DX is pleased to announce the final design of the front of our commemorative QSL highlighting both the history of and the unique nature of the Baker Island National Wildlife Reserve. Inside you will find the story of colonization, Amelia Earhart and our operation.

OQRS is now open at and we expect cards will be in the mail by the beginning of September. Over 25,600 QSL records have been uploaded to LOTW already (as a result of OQRS orders and donations) with over 19,000 matches.

Lastly, here's a little video to excite you about upcoming presentations at your local DX convention our team will be participating in,

Thank you to all our supporters who helped make the 2018 Baker Island DXpedition a success.

Don, N1DG, Kevin, K6TD, Tom, N4XP, and the whole KH1/KH7Z team

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