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Lagt til av LA0FA. Dato lagt til 15.03.2017 19:24:06
Thanks for the various QSOs so far. Last weekend (11-12th) was the Commonwealth Contest (BERU) which 3B8/G3TXF did on 80m-10m, but with just five QSOs on 10m. Poor HF conditions.
Prior to BERU I was doing a bit of 30m and 17m.
During this current week (up to the Russian DX Contest on Saturday) I'll be doing 30m/17m/12m CW.
This coming weekend I'll be in the Russian-DX-Contest on 80m-10m. (I expect that there may be a bit more 'manic buzz' in the R-DX-C than there was during BERU last weekend!)
Today was the first session on 12m, otherwise it's been all 30m and 17m. In order to avoid other DX-peds' pile-ups, I am usually high up on both 30m and 17m. Typically 10125 and 18093.
After R-DX-C, I'll be back on the WARC bands until the final packing up early on Tuesday 21st.
The vertical antennas here are right on the water's edge with a clear sea take-off in all the main directions, which is helping the signal tremendously.
Full logs are being uploaded onto both Club Log and LoTW several times a day.
73 - Nigel 3B8/G3TXF
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