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Svalbard - SAC Phone Contest
Lagt til av LA0FA. Dato lagt til 22.09.2015 19:53:03
The time has come for a new SAC Phone contest from Longyearbyen on Svalbard.

LA9DL Just, LA6VM Erling and I, LA7XK Halvard will, also this year, be active from
Svalbard. Before and after the contest as JW9DL, JW6VM and JW7XK and in the
contest our call is as usual JW5X. Before and after the contest our focus will be activity
on 160m, mainly on CW but also on SSB and JT65.
We will be arriving on the island mid day on Oct. 7 and are leaving mid day on Oct. 12.
We hope to be active on 160m from after sunset Oct. 7.

73 de Halvard, LA7XK
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Et av LADXG's viktige formål er å fremme CW (telegrafi) aktivitet på amatør båndene. 3567 kHz er LADXG medlemmenes treffpunkt for en uformell CW treff - uansett ferdighetsnivå.
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