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Update to TX5W DXpedition
Lagt til av LA0FA. Dato lagt til 23.12.2014 17:22:11


Before activating Raivavae Island (IOTA OC-AN114) in the Austral Islands group (FO/A), Wayne, KK6BT, will first operate from the island of Bora Bora (IOTA OC-067).

Bora Bora is one of the islands in the Leeward Island group of the Society Islands in French Polynesia (FO [P]).  His call sign will be FO/KK6BT from Bora Bora and TX5W from Raivavae Island. 

Because his VDA antennas and amplifier are being delivered directly to Raivavae, Wayne will be operating “vacation style” from Bora Bora. He will be working primarily SSB on 10 and 15 Meters, using a Buddipole antenna mounted above a 360 degree panorama of seawater. 

He plans to be on the air from January 2 through January 5, 2015 from Bora Bora and then January 5 through January 11, 2015 from Raivavae Island.

Wayne’s focus from Raivavae continues to be on providing a new country or island to hams located in Northern Europe, especially in Scandinavia. 

More details of this operation, including a band plan can be found at the DXpedition’s website:

All QSL requests should be directed to the TX5W’s QSL manager, KE8G (please see the website for important details).

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