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TX5W UPDATE (11/9/14)
Lagt til av LA0FA. Dato lagt til 09.11.2014 16:10:53
Raivavae Island (IOTA OC-AN114) in the Austral Islands group (FO/A) will be activated by Wayne, KK6BT.  His call sign will be TX5W. 

His primary effort will be to bring a new IOTA reference and DXCC entity to as many amateurs in Northern Europe as possible.  He will operate exclusively SSB, 10M—40M (including WARC bands). He plans to be on the air from January 5 through January 11, 2015. 

Wayne has signed on 2 pilot stations to help him in this effort: M0TTB for Europe and Asia; and KE8G for North and South America.

More details of this operation, including a band plan can be found at the DXpedition’s new website:

All QSL requests should be directed to the TX5W’s QSL manager, KE8G (please see the website for important details).

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