Lagt til av LA0FA. Dato lagt til 20.11.2013 22:11:55
Received from Jojo DU1VHY, NTS Chairman and CFO for the Philippine Anateur Radio Association - please read and heed. "The much-awaited CQ WW CW Contest is nigh and everyone is chomping at the bit. However, here in the Philippines, our enthusiasm is a bit tempered by the recent events of a catastrophic typhoon which took thousands of lives and destroyed much of a region in the Southeastern portion of the country. As such, hams in the Philippines are using the frequencies 7.095, 7.119 and 7.151 MHz for emergency operations. We hope that this could be given notice in order that QRM might be minimized and not hinder emergency operations."
LA-DX-GROUP bruker Slack som Chat- og samhandlingsplatform. Tjenesten er forbeholdt medlemmer av LA-DX-GROUP. Slack workspace for LADXG er
LADXG CW QRG 3567 kHz:
Et av LADXG's viktige formål er å fremme CW (telegrafi) aktivitet på amatør båndene. 3567 kHz er LADXG medlemmenes treffpunkt for en uformell CW treff - uansett ferdighetsnivå.
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