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Søndag 2. desember 2012 16.01
"Steve Adell - KF2TI"
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Date sent: Mon, 03 Dec 2012 08:27:17 -0600
Subject: [GOLIST] Bouvet DX NEWS
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3 December 2012
After a lot of negotiation we are pleased to announce a
team of twelve is to undertake a Dxpedition to Bouvet
Island from 25
March 2013 to 5 April 2013 using the callsign 3Y0IOF.
We will be operating 24/7 with five stations covering all
bands 160m-10m.
We understand that Dxpeditions are all about you the DX
therefore we are pleased to announce some exciting new
We appreciate many of you feel you should not have to
make any effort
to work us. Accordingly we are offering you the chance to
call us on
the telephone when you are ready for a QSO. Thatīs right
we will give
you a phone number and when you are ready you can
ring us and we will
immediately cease to work the pile up and call you on a
frequency of
your choice. Not only that we will also ensure an email is
sent to you
directly after the QSO to confirm you are in the log.
Furthermore we
are organising a team of experts who, if you wish, will fly
in and set
up your rig on the required frequency, connect the
antenna for you and
make sure the heating or ventilation is on so it is nice and
warm or
cool in your shack as the case requires. Donīt worry about
propagation. We will make sure there is some between us
as we
understand that is our responsibility and itīs our fault if
there isnīt.
If that is not for you then donīt worry we are just as happy
to work
you in a pile up. We realise that we will need to operate in
accordance with your operating habits so therefore we will
if you call over the top of another station we are trying to
work, or
when we are specifically calling a part of the world you do
not reside
in, or if you are simply calling aimlessly or while we are
transmitting, or even if you call when you cannot hear us.
We will do
our best to work you despite all this and yes we know itīs
our fault
if you do not make it into the log.
We wish to acknowledge the value Frequency Cops bring
to a Dxpedition
so to recognise this we are going to specifically publicise
some times
when we will arrange for some operators to deliberately
call us on our
frequency instead of split. Frequency Cops can even
register their
availability with us to help us ensure these periods get
uptake by the Frequency Cop community. During these
periods the
Frequency Cops will be able to say or send "up up!" to
their hearts
content. (Note: we will make sure we tell the pile up to
listen up and
not down as the recent PT0S Dxpedition has taught us
that Frequency
Cops donīt know how to send "down" in CW).
We also donīt want the "tuner uppers" to feel left out and
like them
we feel dummy loads are completely overrated. So when
we are ready to
transmit on a band we will give them the opportunity to
tune up on our
frequency before we start working the pile up. Each
period will start
with us sending our callsign and "QDL" ("Quick Dummy
Loaders") so they
will know when to commence tuning up on us. We will
allow for at least
five minutes for this as we know how important it is for the
uppers to make sure their finals are good and ready. We
acknowledge if
they go bang itīs our fault. Depending on demand we will
every now and
then send "QDL" while working a pile up so any tuner
uppers late to
the party can tune up on us as well.
Unfortunately we will not have cluster access while we are
on Bouvet
but we know this will not stop you posting announcements
and comments
on the cluster about our Dxpedition. Some suggestions
for you to try
include saying what band you want us to QSY to or mode
to operate on,
the quality of our ops and the usual "loud", "canīt hear
them here",
"thanks for 7th band" or "yee hah" comments. Likewise as
we noted
above we understand itīs our fault if you cannot work us
and therefore
we accept in that case you will post on the cluster calling
us the
worst Dxpedition ever.
We canīt wait to be of service to you.
The 3Y0IOF
Thanks to these reliable sources of DX news: OPDX,
DX WORLD and all of my
Direct sources.
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