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ZL9HR update
Lagt til av LA0FA. Dato lagt til 24.11.2012 09:59:49
Nine of the ten team members are in Invercargill, NZ with the tenth member flying in early Sunday morning. The NZ Department of Conservation inspected all our DX-pedition equipment on Saturday and found everything to be in acceptable condition to be brought to the island, no exceptions were noted. The team knew what had to be done to achieve this rating and all was handled prior to shipping. All the equipment was unpacked, inspected and many items were wrapped in plastic sheeting, in bins, or removed from their cardboard boxes. The equipment was placed in quarantine until Monday morning. A final inspection of personal items will be conducted on Monday morning at which time everything will be transported to the boat. A subset of the team then went to purchase 1,100 liters of fuel for the generators. On Sunday afternoon we return to the DoC station for a briefing on working around the island's wildlife, safety and a review of the permit conditions. Today we met the DoC officer who will accompany us during the expedition. The boat just arrived from Auckland Island where she took a DoC team to inventory penguins. We will meet the boat on Monday morning to begin the loading process. We are told the seas have calmed down after a storm recently passed through the region. We are scheduled to sail shortly after noon on Monday. Once underway we will not be checking e-mail or any of the Internet blogs, all communications will be through the designated pilots. Thanks for your continued support of ZL9HR. 73, The ZL9HR Team ------------------------------------
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