Lagt til av LA0FA. Dato lagt til 27.10.2012 10:11:36
Everything is on schedule; the team is excited and ready to begin their journey to New Zealand. Team members will begin arriving in Invercargill, NZ on November 22.
The majority of our equipment arrived at a storage facility in Invercargill on Oct 18.
Current Schedule:
November 23 - the equipment will be taken to the NZ Department of Conservation (DoC) Quarantine Inspection station.
November 24 - everything will be unpacked and inspected; including personal items, once inspected everything will remain at the station until departure.
November 25 - the team returns to the inspection station for DoC briefings on: safety, landing permit conditions and working around the islands wildlife.
November 26 - the team again returns to the DoC inspection station for inspection of personal items not processed on Nov. 24.
- Equipment will be trucked to Bluff, NZ and loaded aboard the boat for departure, currently scheduled at approximately 12:00 (local).
- Several local hams have offered to assist with loading the boat. With good weather we estimate the voyage will take 40 hours, arriving at Perseverance Harbor sometime between midnight and 06:00 (local) on November 28.
During the DX-pedition daily traffic with the team will be handled by the designated Pilot stations. We ask the DX community to direct their compliments / suggestions / concerns to the Pilots who will summarize and forward to us via e-mail. We plan to upload photos and logs on a daily basis. The Pilots are listed on the Team page of our web site
Team member Dave, K3EL, updated his ZL9HR blog on Oct. 21
LA-DX-GROUP bruker Slack som Chat- og samhandlingsplatform. Tjenesten er forbeholdt medlemmer av LA-DX-GROUP. Slack workspace for LADXG er
LADXG CW QRG 3567 kHz:
Et av LADXG's viktige formål er å fremme CW (telegrafi) aktivitet på amatør båndene. 3567 kHz er LADXG medlemmenes treffpunkt for en uformell CW treff - uansett ferdighetsnivå.
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