LA-DX-GROUP - the Norwegian DX Association
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Sable Island - WA4DAN/CY0 og AA4VK/CY0
Lagt til av LA0FA. Dato lagt til 24.12.2011 09.36.27
DXPedisjonen til Sable Island (CY0, NA-063) ser ut å starte ihh til planen. Murray WA4DAN og Ron, AA4VK har kommet med siste update på DXpedisjonens hjemmeside...

Det vil lønne seg å sjekke DXPedisjonens hjemmeside i dagene frem til 29.12, her er siste update:

UPDATE: 24 December 2011
The pre-shipment of one of the stations arrived safely this week at Maritime Air in Halifax, NS. The second station and other equipment will be transported as checked baggage on the Continental flight which departs at 6:15 AM on Tuesday morning with a connection in Newark, NJ, and on to Halifax, NS. The "trusty" PVC tube containing the Butternut verticals and 10M Yagi has seen service before. Previous duty was to J6, PJ7, CT3, VP9, 5W1, KP1, KP5, and CY9. One more dxpedition to the Pacific in 2012 is planned, before its retirement.
The weather forecast looks pretty promising, at this moment. However, as we experienced in December 2010, we will not know for sure, if we will fly on Wednesday, until the OIC on Sable Island and Maritime Air make the final GO/NO GO call on the weather and landing conditions around 8:30 AM local time.

Continue to monitor this website for updates. If there is no update to this site by late morning on 12/28, assume that we are in the air on the way to Sable Island, and hopefully, we will be operational by 0300Z on 29 December.

I know the first day will be exhausting as we try and assemble five (5) Gap antennas and two Butternut verticals with radial systems and erect the 10M yagi at 30 feet. Normally, this would be a project for a three-person team. Hopefully, the two of us will be able to accomplish most of the antenna work before sunset, which occurs around 4:25 PM.

Murray WA4DAN and Ron, AA4VK
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